Restoring Functionality With Natural-Looking Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are a restorative dentistry procedure that involves a severely damaged or decayed tooth being completely covered and protected with a hard, white tooth “cap.” These strong tooth crowns are made of a very durable ceramic material that allows for the recreation of the look and anatomy of a natural tooth. Thanks to this advanced dental technology, our team at Constitution Dental in Downtown Ottawa can restore patients’ decayed or damaged teeth, leaving them with a beautiful white smile that looks and feels perfectly natural!
Dental Crowns Ottawa
What Are Ottawa Dental Crowns?
Not only do dental crowns protect damaged teeth, but they also prevent further tooth decay, as the cap keeps plaque, tartar, and bacteria from entering the site and eating away at the tooth. However, the one main disadvantage of dental crown procedures is the need for extensive preparation (reduction in size) of the natural tooth. This process is permanent, which means that the tooth will always need a dental crown to protect it. Nonetheless, dental crowns offer a practical solution for restoring damaged or decaying teeth, as this saves you from having a more expensive tooth extraction procedure and a tooth replacement such as a dental implant or dental bridge.
Benefits of Dental Crowns in Ottawa, ON
Dental crowns are incredibly strong ceramic caps that are placed over damaged or decayed teeth, which shield them from further damage and are made to last for years to come.
Dental crowns offer long-lasting protection for damaged teeth so they do not continue to decay or require future extraction.
Dental crowns are ceramic teeth crowns that look like natural, white teeth.
Dental crowns are strong, durable, and therefore function like a completely natural tooth.